Home Buyer Series – Financing

Achieving the milestone of homeownership is significant, and for many, navigating the financial aspects is a crucial step toward this goal. While the excitement of purchasing a new home may make you eager to start house hunting, it’s essential to prioritize obtaining a mortgage pre-approval before diving into the search for your dream home. ….You can contact Frances Snider at 519-824-9050 ext. 235 if you’re considering making a move in the future, or purchasing a home in the area. … More Home Buyer Series – Financing

Exploring opportunities in Wellington County’s Real Estate as 2023 comes to an end!

Wellington County real estate remains a balanced market this month despite an increase in unit sales and sales volume.  Average and median sale prices have dipped down from where they were this time last year, however, still quite strong. 

The year-to-date figures might be down compared to the previous year, but we are still witnessing that the gap has been slowly narrowing……..Check in with Frances Snider Royal LePage Royal City Realty for all the details. … More Exploring opportunities in Wellington County’s Real Estate as 2023 comes to an end!